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This resource is written to support your group through the process of fundraising, from getting ready for funding to applying. We will continue to support LGBTI groups across Scotland by developing and bringing together shared tools to grow funding for the LGBTI sector.

The Equality Network supports the development and sustainability of LGBTI groups across Scotland and has done since 2001. We provide one-to-one support, develop leaders, deliver training and residential events; and publish resources focused on the priorities of groups.

In this resource, we look at the issue of fundraising. From booking rooms, to advertising your group, it all costs money. Some groups run well on small budgets, while others require higher amounts of regular income to sustain their activities.

This resource is written to support your group through the process of fundraising, from getting ready for funding to applying. We will continue to support LGBTI groups across Scotland by developing and bringing together shared tools to grow funding for the LGBTI sector.

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