28 May 2020   |    News
Since the crisis emerged we’ve been working to continue our capacity building support LGBTI groups around Scotland.
In the first instance we set up a facebook group for LGBTI groups to join, share good practice and network. If you run an LGBTI group in Scotland please consider joining, the group can be found here.
To help reduce social isolation we have secured funding from the Scottish Government Covid-19 Relief Fund to provide free Zoom Pro accounts, for a period of 4 months, along with training, to a number of LGBTI groups. If your group/sports club/organisation would like a free zoom account please fill out this expression of interest.
So far we have received an expression of interest from almost 50 LGBTI groups. We have also held zoom or phone conversations to assess the needs of 42 LGBTI groups so far. We’ve supported 6 applications for funding, delivered one-2-one training for 8 groups and continue to support pride organisers around the country with contingency planning.
Training for LGBTI Groups
We have four online training events planned in the next few weeks for groups trying to get up to speed on how to use zoom and how to run their online meetings. Please register using the links below.
Zoom 5.0 for LGBTI Groups – Thursday 11th June, 6.30pm
Zoom 5.0 for LGBTI Groups – Tuesday 16th June, 6.30pm
30 Bernard Street
Edinburgh EH6 6PR
+44 (0) 131 467 6039
Equality Network is a national lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights charity.
The Equality Network is a registered Scottish charity: SC037852, and a company limited by guarantee: SC220213.
We are grateful for funding from the Scottish Government